Monday, January 6, 2020

Review: Reign of Brayshaw

Reign of Brayshaw Reign of Brayshaw by Meagan Brandy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Long Live the Queen of Brayshaw! After months of anxiously waiting for the audio to release so I could complete this trilogy I could not wait to put in my ear buds and listen to the sultry sounds of Stephen Dexter and Jillian Macie (per the audio recording). This book was the perfect conclusion to this heart pounding and addicting series. That being said, it was not my favorite book of the trilogy and there were many points when I wanted to yell at Raven, Maddoc, Captain and Royce for the decisions they made! I felt the full spectrum of emotions while reading this book and there were times I was worried about the ultimate conclusion. I shouldn't have been worried though because Meagan Brandy wrote the perfect book to end this trilogy and the ending was everything I didn't know I needed.

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