Monday, January 27, 2020

Review: The Deal

The Deal The Deal by Stella Gray
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was very excited for this book because I am a huge fan of Elena Wolfe and Sebastian York's dual narration. They were definitely the high point of this book. 90% of the book was narrated by Elena Wolfe, and I definitely could have done for some more SebYo, but what are you gunna do?

The story was a challenge for me to get into. The acceptance of women's positions as less than men, submissive not only in the bedroom, but in life, was extremely frustrating to me. The way that all the female characters acted like their only purpose was to support their men and independently they had no value was infuriating. At least Tori had the drive to pursue academia, but when her step mother gave her advice and that advice was degrading and devaluing I lost it. I found myself yelling the car radio when listening because the heroine acted like she didn't have any control over her choices for most of the book, and then when she realized she could make her own decisions, she acted like a petulant child. I also found the story slow, and not as in a slow burn, but it just dragged on. I figured out some of the key plot twists hours before Tori (the heroine) figured it out in the book. The ending was a predictable plot twist, and I will probably still listen to the next book in the series, because I have a tough time leaving things unfinished.

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