Thursday, January 16, 2020

Review: The Bangover

The Bangover The Bangover by Lili Valente
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Holy Amazingness Batman this book was so much more than I expected! The banter between Collin and Kirby was incredible, and the performances by Lili Valente and Jason Clarke made this audiobook unputdownable (yes i think that is a word!) I have only listened to a few books where the author also narrates and this is by far one of the best! This book started out as a scorching hot friends to lovers story, which I was totally down for, then there was some hilarious ex girlfriend drama, and a cat named Murder who might have been my favorite character in the book, because his commentary was on point (as interpreted through his expressions and Kirby). This book was traveling down a perfectly acceptable rom com road when all of a sudden it made a hard left turn and the suspense was kicked up and I could not turn off the book. I listened way past my bedtime because I had to know what happened! Truly the sign of an epic story! Unique, hilarious, surprising and hot, why aren't you listening to this one yet?

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