Friday, September 27, 2019

Review: The Dugout

TheDugout_currentlyreading-2 The Dugout The Dugout by Meghan Quinn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received an arc of this book and voluntarily give my review. Meghan Quinn is quickly becoming a favorite author of mine. The Dugout, the second book in this series of Brentwood Baseball had me hysterically laughing, crying and refusing to put the book down. Millie is a tom boy with a soft gooey center, she shows everyone that you can be soft and strong it's not an either/or. Carson has a chip on his shoulder from page 1, but as the story develops and Millie starts schooling him in the sport that he is determined to make a career, he begins to open up and become a more open and joking guy. This story has a few unexpected twists, but with a solid happily ever after at the end. This book should be read for the teasing and ribbing alone!

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