Monday, September 30, 2019

Closer by Kylie Scott (A Stage Dive Novella)

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When a stalker gets too close to plus-size model Mae Cooper, it’s time to hire some muscle.

Closer, an all-new standalone novella in the fan favorite Stage Dive Series from New York Times bestselling author Kylie Scott and 1001 Dark Nights, is available now!

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Enter former military man turned executive protection officer Ziggy Thayer. Having spent years guarding billionaires, royalty, and rock n roll greats, he’s seen it all. From lavish parties through to every kind of excess.

There’s no reason some Instagram stylista should throw him off his game. Even if she does have the most dangerous curves he’s ever seen...

**Every 1001 Dark Nights novella is a standalone story. For new readers, it’s an introduction to an author’s world. And for fans, it’s a bonus book in the author’s series. We hope you'll enjoy each one as much as we do.**

Closer - AN

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“Your keys and security alarm code please, miss?” he asked, hand held out waiting. It might have just been me, but we seemed to be standing awfully close together. It almost seemed weirdly intimate. Almost. No, my bad. Ziggy wore his usual professional façade with nary a hint of emotion on display. His gaze was shuttered, his bearing military rigid. It was definitely just me and my overactive imagination. Being vaguely attracted to your bodyguard was kind of a pain in the ass. Not that I couldn’t use the distraction right now. Ziggy continued to stand there patiently waiting. “Keys. Right.” I rummaged inside my Balenciaga City bag. Designer goodies were not only a weakness of mine, but a happy perk of being in the industry and achieving some small fame. “Ah, just a minute. They’re in here somewhere.” I pushed aside my purse, a cashmere shawl, tampons, a candy bar, some loose change, my small Chanel cosmetics case, a power bank, hair ties, pepper spray, a copy of the latest Sarah MacLean book, mints, a spare charging cable for my cell phone, the cell phone itself, Chapstick, Prada sunglasses case, my grandma’s rosary, dental floss, deodorant, a couple of pens, Kleenex, ear buds, water bottle, a USB stick, reusable straw, condoms, nail file, some old receipts, a travel size umbrella, hand sanitizer, lotion, a pair of pearl earrings, tweezers, Advil, a hair band, and some bobby pins. “Sorry about this,” I murmured. “I know I put them in here when we left.” He said nothing. A whole lot of nothing. “Huh.” With a great sense of victory, I held up a bottle of nail polish. “I thought I’d lost this.” One of his dark brows crept upwards. “I’ll have you know this color was limited edition. Little Death at Midnight by Oxley. You can’t buy it anymore.” His lips did not move, but that damn eyebrow arched even higher as he leaned forward a little and took in the contents of my bag. I swear his eyes widened. “Don’t you judge me. All of these things are necessary for my ongoing existence.” “Of course they are, miss.” The man was so judging me. Bastard. “You carry a koozie around with you, I see.” “It pays to be ready to party, Mr. Thayer.”

About Kylie Scott

Kylie is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author. She was voted Australian Romance Writer of the year, 2013, 2014 & 2018, by the Australian Romance Writer’s Association and her books have been translated into eleven different languages. She is a long time fan of romance, rock music, and B-grade horror films. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.

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Friday, September 27, 2019

Review: The Dugout

TheDugout_currentlyreading-2 The Dugout The Dugout by Meghan Quinn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received an arc of this book and voluntarily give my review. Meghan Quinn is quickly becoming a favorite author of mine. The Dugout, the second book in this series of Brentwood Baseball had me hysterically laughing, crying and refusing to put the book down. Millie is a tom boy with a soft gooey center, she shows everyone that you can be soft and strong it's not an either/or. Carson has a chip on his shoulder from page 1, but as the story develops and Millie starts schooling him in the sport that he is determined to make a career, he begins to open up and become a more open and joking guy. This story has a few unexpected twists, but with a solid happily ever after at the end. This book should be read for the teasing and ribbing alone!

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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Review: Enchanting Sebastian

Enchanting Sebastian Enchanting Sebastian by Kristen Proby
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily give my review. Kristen Proby has a way of creating characters that you wish you were friends with, and Nina and Sebastian are no different. Their unconventional arrangement while formal in nature is romantic to the reader from the start. Their attraction, their honesty and their communication with each other enchants the reader (see what I did there) making this book impossible to put down. I absolutely adored Nina, she was so confident and held her own even when placed in intimidating situation. She never lost who she was because she was entering into a Royal family and it was refreshing to see such a confident woman on the page. If you like small town romance, royal romance, marriage tropes, or strong independent women you will love this book!

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Enchanting Sebastian
by Kristen Proby
A Big Sky Royal Novel
Release Date: September 24, 2019
The first in an all new stand-alone trilogy set in Kristen Proby's Big Sky world, Enchanting Sebastian will take your breath away! 

Turning thirty-five doesn’t mean much to most men. For Sebastian Wakefield, it’s the end of life as he knows it. 
When your father is the King of England, thirty-five is the year that a marriage will be arranged, a suitable bride cementing a future you didn’t choose. The obvious solution for escaping the archaic laws of the throne is for Sebastian to leave the country. And where better to go than America? 

Nina Wolfe has spent her career avoiding scandal. As a Hollywood publicist and minor celebrity in her own right, she knows exactly what it takes to keep the media at bay—and what will send them into a frenzy. 

Prince Sebastian hiding out in Cunningham Falls, Montana is an unlikely story. Ending up in his bed, even more so. And keeping their arrangement out of the press might just be impossible. The ring on her finger is about to spark a firestorm that will change her life, and no professional spin will help Nina fit into the world of royalty. 

Only love could write an enchanting new beginning—if they’ll let themselves fall. 
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Kristen was born and raised in a small resort town in her beloved Montana. In her mid-twenties, she decided to stretch her wings and move to the Pacific Northwest, where she made her home for more than a dozen years.
During that time, Kristen wrote many romance novels and joined organizations such as RWA and other small writing groups. She spent countless hours in workshops, and more mornings than she can count up before the dawn so she could write before going to work. She submitted many manuscripts to agents and editors alike, but was always told no. In the summer of 2012, the self-publishing scene was new and thriving, and Kristen had one goal: to publish just one book. It was something she longed to cross off of her bucket list.
Not only did she publish one book, she’s since published close to thirty titles, many of which have hit the USA Today, New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestsellers lists. She continues to self publish, best known for her With Me In Seattle and Boudreaux series, and is also proud to work with William Morrow, a division of HarperCollins, with the Fusion Series. 
Kristen and her husband, John, make their home in her hometown of Whitefish, Montana. 

Review: Bad Girl

Bad Girl Bad Girl by Piper Lawson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book 2 in the Wicked series picks up where book 1 ends and involves more relationship development, individual character development and sexy times. I literally could not stop listening, Savannah Peachwood and Joe Arden do such a great job! Listening to Joe Arden say my name is also a plus 😉. It ended on the kind of cliffhanger that makes me glad I have book 3 queued up and ready to go.

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Review: Good Girl

Good Girl Good Girl by Piper Lawson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rockstar romance is my favorite, I think I’m just a sucker for a musician. This story hooked me from the first minute. It could be because Savannah Peachwood and Joe Arden are phenomenal, it could be because the heroine and I share a first name (and that’s always fun to listen to). Maybe it’s that Jax is a little broken, or Haley is smart and techie, but it is probably a little bit of all of that. I think we enjoy books where we can relate but still enjoy the fantasy and this audiobook checked all the boxes. It is my first book by Piper Lawson, but it will not be the last!

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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Review: Blue Steel Hearts

Blue Steel Hearts Blue Steel Hearts by Eve Lyn
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily give my review. This short novella tells the story of Julie and Steve, they were each others "One that got away" Steve became a rockstar and Julie a waitress and model. They reconnect and the rest as they say is history. This story seemed to rushed for me even as a novella. There didn't seem to be enough time for the characters to adjust to the changes in their lives. Additionally, since this book takes place in the 1960's some of the slang was difficult to take seriously.

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Review: Their Boy

Their Boy Their Boy by Cara Dee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily give my review. Cara Dee has quickly become a favorite author of mine. She addresses unconventional, taboo or risqué topics and tropes in a way that is sensitive heartfelt and yes sexy. Their boy follows Top Priority and picks up 8 years later with Lucas and Colt still looking for a little to complete their family. Enter Kit, an orphan with a traumatic past and scars on the outside and inside. What I loved most about this book is that the reader got to spend a lot of time with the characters. The story didn't rush through the meet cute, getting together and conclusion. You actually got to see the relationship grow and develop, there were multiple scenes where the characters discovered more and more of each other where insecurities were assuaged and ample time was given for Kit to become accustomed to his new relationship. The affection and growth infused in this story definitely earned it five stars from me!

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Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Dugout


The Dugout by Meghan Quinn

Release Date: September 19th

Genre: Contemporary Romance

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Let me ask you a question: If someone is vying for your spot on a team and just so happens to injure you during practice, would you believe it was on purpose? Word around campus is . . . it was no accident. That injury has cost me everything; my starting position, my junior year—and the draft. Now, I’m a senior fresh off recovery, struggling to find my groove, until the day I run into a nervous, fidgety, girl with freckles, in the dining hall. They call Milly Potter The Baseball Whisperer, The Diamond Wizard, and The Epitome of All Knowledge. She believes in baseball. She breathes it. She’s the queen of an infamous dynasty, but no one actually knows who she really is, and she plans to keep it that way. One mishap in the panini line, one miscommunication in the weight room, and many failed attempts at an apology equal up to one solid truth -- Milly Potter never wants to speak to me again -- no matter how good my forearms look. Little do we both know, she’s about to become more than just my fairy ballmother. TheDugout_teaser-1-2



Everyone knows me as the easygoing, fun-loving guy without a care in the world. You know who I’m talking about, right? 

The guy who cheers when a couple kisses, who says stupid shit like YIPPEE when he’s excited, the guy who has no shame in shimmying his bare, bright white ass to his friends just to make them laugh.

I’m also the guy who is magically smart, can lead an entire bar to harmoniously sing any Taylor Swift song, lucks out in everything he does, and has impeccable taste in clothing—despite wearing a baseball hoodie every Monday. A dude must make himself feel better when the Monday blues hit and a hoodie does just that.

But have you guessed it? Do you see where this is going?

I’m not that guy anymore. 


Easygoing and fun-loving? Not anymore. 

I spit venom at whoever dares to be in my presence. You know the old man who throws endless piles of shoes at the street youths as they walk by? That’s me, minus the incontinence problem and mothball smell. 
My days of singing Taylor Swift with a crowd are over. 

Instead—if I even make it to a bar—I bury myself in a corner and sneer. Oh boy, do I fucking sneer. I sneer at anything and anyone that even 
attempts to look at my face.

That impeccable fashion sense I was boasting about? Gone. I think I’ve been wearing the same pair of athletic shorts for a month—not really—but maybe it’s a little true.
And the guy who lucks out in everything he does? Ha, my luck was cut short at the beginning of the season thanks to the square ass, dirty dick named Kirk Babcock, also known as Kirk BADcock by my team.

What did this Badcock do, you ask?

If you’re thinking he poked me with said bad cock, you need to get your mind out of the gutter. 

What he did was even worse than winging his willy around on the baseball field.

So bad that you might need to brace yourself . . .


He committed a sin against all baseball etiquette. 

The cardinal sin. 

The biggest sin of all sins.

Are you sitting? I don’t want you to faint from the blasphemy I’m about to share. 
Deeps breaths, everyone . . .

He . . . damn it, he slid late . . . at practice. 

Gasp, I know.

I told you it was bad . . . my balls are shriveling up into my taint just thinking about it.
The dumbass freshman, who had too much juice in his junk, decided to book it to second during a practice game while Holt and I were fleshing out a double play. The dingleberry slid into second base two seconds too late. 

Why is this a problem?

For those of you who might not be in the know—don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you—back in 2016, the gods of baseball developed a new rule; all players sliding into second must hit the ground first before touching the bag to avoid injuring the opposing players. 

Layman’s terms: don’t be a dickhead and hurt people. 

Apparently, Badcock didn’t get that memo, because the little turd nugget charged second base like an out-of-control steam train . . . just as I slid my foot across the base for the out. His dirty slide took my leg out, twisting me in the process, and tossed me to the ground. 

As I fell, I heard a resounding snap that would make any grown-ass man throw up into his lap, followed by an immense amount of pain shooting up the back of my leg. 
The motherfucker—stenchy bad cock—ruptured my Achilles tendon. 

Like Achilles himself, I buckled to the ground and wallowed in pain while holding my leg, as if I let go, it would detach from my body and float right on up to heaven where it belongs for the many good years it gave me. 

Badcock proceeded to fling his helmet off his head, get in my face, and apologize profusely, making up some excuse about tripping over his own damn feet. Yeah, okay, fart breath.

I’d like to see the tape for a full review, because I’m questioning the shit out of that statement. Tripped, my left nut. 

If I was a freshman and got hurt, I wouldn’t want to rip the skin off Badcock’s scrotum, maybe just give him a swift lodge of my foot up his ass. But ripping scrotum skin, nah. 
But guess what? I’m not a goddamn freshman. 

I’m a fucking junior, and if you know anything about baseball, you know being a junior in college is one of the most important times in a guy’s life. 

Because that’s the year you’re eligible to be drafted. 


Brentwood University is known as a breeding ground for exceptional baseball players; it’s where the scouts come to find their next top prospects. If you want to play professional baseball, you either choose to go into the draft right after high school or be recruited by Brentwood. I chose an education so I had a possible career to fall back on in case something happened to me . . . like rupturing my Achilles tendon. 

Can you guess where this is going?

Strike up the violins, because a sob story is coming your way. 

I was ushered off the field and straight to the state-of-the-art training room where, after an excruciating physical exam, I had an ultrasound. It was then confirmed I’d be out of commission for the season. I underwent surgery, had the stupid thing stitched back together—let’s take a moment to be physically ill over the thought of that—and then put through an extensive rehab, missing my chance to be drafted.

You read that right, I was not drafted. My best friends were . . . I was not.

Because no one wants an injured player, even if he has tons of promise. 

Even if he was the best second baseman in the country. 

Even if he was supposed to be drafted in the first round. 

Not one single team wanted to take the gamble to see if I could make a full recovery.
Isn’t that just peachy?

So needless to say, Kirk BADcock stays as far away from me as possible. As for me, I’d like to say I’m not a bitter man with a chip on his shoulder, but that would be a massive lie. 

I have the biggest damn chip on my shoulder, so big that I named him Aloysius and I high-five him every morning, agreeing that we’re going to try to make at least one person’s life miserable that day. 

My suggestion, if you see me around campus? Steer clear, run away, duck and hide, because I’m a polluted motherfucker with an equally rotten Aloysius on my shoulder ready to raise hell in your life. 

Carson Stone is out for vengeance thanks to one moronic badcock.


About the Author: 

USA Today Bestselling Author, wife, adoptive mother, and peanut butter lover. Author of romantic comedies and contemporary romance, Meghan Quinn brings readers the perfect combination of heart, humor, and heat in every book.


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Cambria Hebert
(GearShark, #6)
Publication date: November 4th 2019
Genres: M/M, Contemporary, Romance

What’s meant to be will always find a way.

Perfection isn’t an illusion.
I met it, held it in my hands.
But then it slipped right through.

Perfection isn’t an illusion.
It’s elusive, cleverly evasive, and, in many ways, a horrible tease.

I’m not a man to be toyed with.
Quiet, thoughtful, and even sometimes careful,
but never someone to taunt.
Even the most controlled men have a breaking point.
I just met mine.

Why mess with perfection?
You don’t.
Unless perfection messes with you.

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Author Bio:

Cambria Hebert is an award winning, bestselling novelist of more than twenty books. She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair.

Besides writing, Cambria loves a caramel latte, staying up late, sleeping in, and watching movies. She considers math human torture and has an irrational fear of chickens (yes, chickens). You can often find her running on the treadmill (she’d rather be eating a donut), painting her toenails (because she bites her fingernails), or walking her chorkie (the real boss of the house).

Cambria has written within the young adult and new adult genres, penning many paranormal and contemporary titles. Her favorite genre to read and write is romantic suspense. A few of her most recognized titles are: The Hashtag Series, Text, Torch, and Tattoo.

Cambria Hebert owns and operates Cambria Hebert Books, LLC.

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Monday, September 16, 2019

Review: Forever My Saint: All The Pretty Things Trilogy, Volume Three

Forever My Saint: All The Pretty Things Trilogy, Volume Three Forever My Saint: All The Pretty Things Trilogy, Volume Three by Monica James
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily give my review. I anxiously awaited the third book in the All the Pretty Things trilogy. The cliffhanger from book 2 left me with so much anxiety that I had an impossible time waiting for this book. I dove right in and was happy to see that the book picked up exactly where the story left off. The conclusion of this story was more violent and gruesome than books one and two, but not quite as dark and dominating. There were parts of this story I found a little slow, some that were a bit outrageous and melodramatic, and moments where everything was going so smoothly for the characters that I was lulled into a false sense of security. Monica James definitely brought it with an out of this world unpredictable ending that packed a punch. The ending of this book was phenomenal and had my heart racing.

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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Review: The Best Kind Of Surprise

The Best Kind Of Surprise The Best Kind Of Surprise by Jasmin Miller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily give my review. This story grabbed my attention from the first chapter. Aiden is a long time "hook up" guy, who is hung up on a girl that got away, Stella. When she surprises him by coming back into his life and throwing him a curveball. Aiden starts trying to win back Stella through the sweetest actions and its just beautiful watching their relationship develop and grow. I highly recommend this novella it's heartwarming, sweet and sexy.

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Saturday, September 14, 2019

Review: Twisted Love Meisner and Chalfont: Indecency Suites #8

Twisted Love Meisner and Chalfont: Indecency Suites #8 Twisted Love Meisner and Chalfont: Indecency Suites #8 by Anabella Roscoff
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily give my review. The 8th book in the Indecency Suites series is surprisingly affectionate and touching. That is not to say it does not have the raw edge I have come to expect from Anabella Roscoff's books, it is still dark and has a D/s storyline. That said, Marcus and Suzanna care about each other and both seem to want more from the relationship which as started to develop from their biannual trysts. I hope we get to see them again soon, I am very much intrigued to discover what happens to them over time.

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Friday, September 13, 2019

Review: My Only One

My Only One My Only One by Ella Goode
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily give my review. I adored this story Mack and Dally (short for Dallas) have harbored secret (yet obvious to others) crushes on each other for years. This story was full of heart but also had some danger and suspense, which is not often part of an Ella Goode story. This story follows She's the One which you can listen to for free on the Read Me Romance Podcast, and is a spinoff of the Castile family. Where many of Ella Goode's books are insta-love this love story was a long time coming.

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Review: That Forever Girl

That Forever Girl That Forever Girl by Meghan Quinn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received an arc of this book and Voluntarily give my review. This story was beautiful and heartbreaking and steamy. There were some parts that were a little slow, and it took me a little longer to read then a book this length normally takes which is why it is getting 4/5 stars. That being said I loved the characters and the story and definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes second chance romance.

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Sunday, September 8, 2019

Review: Heidi's Guide to Four Letter Words

Heidi's Guide to Four Letter Words Heidi's Guide to Four Letter Words by Tara Sivec
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I can not remember the last time i laughed so hard when reading or listening to an audiobook. This book stayed me it was relatable on so many levels, I think we have all been insecure about our life choices at one time or another, wanted to break out of our molds or just figure out how to be yourself and not what someone else expects you to be. Andi Arndt as a narrator is always phenomenal and it is so exciting to know that she is not only aurally telling us this story but that she is actually telling this story. I devoured this book and I can't wait to listen to it again. I have already informed my husband that is has been added to his queue, I hope he loves Heidi and Brent as much as Ido!

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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Review: Blue Sky

Blue Sky Blue Sky by Alana Albertson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I liked the premise of this story and the duet narration was enjoyable. This was my first audiobook by Author Alana Albertson and Narrators: Elizabeth Powers and Dexter Collins. The progression of the relationship seemed fast to me, and there were portions that seemed unbelievable. There was a large focus on the socio-economic discrepancies between our hero and heroine, but i felt like these issues were not addressed, they were just accepted and then we moved on. This was consistent with other areas of tension in the book. I felt like the opportunity was there but the sort never went as far as it could have to address the issues.

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Review: Because the Night: A Vampire Romance

Because the Night: A Vampire Romance by Kylie Scott My rating: 4 of 5 stars View all my re...