Sunday, May 3, 2020

Review: The F List

The F List The F List by Alessandra Torre
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The F List by Alessandra Torre is a bit of an ugly look at the reality that is fame and hollywood and what it takes to be an influencer or celebrity.

Emma goes from rags to riches and chases the allure of fame, think Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, any reality TV media mogul. You can tell she is a kind person who is trying to find her happiness but she is searching for it through tangible or monetary means and in general is not a very happy person. More than that, as a reader I found her kind of unlikeable. She made decisions and her character went in directions where i found myself cringing and going "Oh no!" or "Don't do that".

Cash was born in to the spotlight and from the beginning of the book you can tell he wants something normal, and real, but he doesn't seem to know how to get it.

I found i didn't really like either of the characters and I kept waiting to get to a part of the story where they went from enemies to lovers, but the content of this story is pretty PG. I was not expecting that having read a couple other books by Alessandra Torre. I think this was an interesting look at Celebrity, and a relatively quick read, but I struggled with the characters and their motivations and the style this book was written in, with inserts from 3rd parties that I felt did not tie together to a larger theme.

I received an ARC of this book through Netgalley and voluntarily give my review.

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