My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The title of this book does not lie. This book hurt, but Cara Dee glue my heart back together through the pages and I finally got my HEA. I love Jake and Roe so much, and this story is fully told through Roe's perspective. It's hard to see how their relationship changes since book 1. I still don't like Roe's wife Sandra, and I know we're not really supposed to. I think she goes through her own challenges, but I feel like after she started working to address her mental health struggles she continued making choices that made her someone I disliked.
This book does contain cheating, which is sometimes difficult for me as a reader, but Jake and Roe are basically fated and perfect for each other. Add in my feelings toward Sandra and this is one book in which I don't mind the cheating.
I love the found family in this story, and all the cross overs, it was like hunting easter eggs with all the characters who showed up in this book.
The biggest challenge I had when reading was the time jumps within chapters or from chapter to chapter, there are clues in the text as to how much time has passed, but it would have been helpful to have months and years listed to measure time.
This is another amazing addition to Cara Dee's universe and these two will live in my heart forever. I can't wait to see where they pop up next!
I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily give my honest review.
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