Sunday, September 25, 2022

Review: Sharkbait

Sharkbait Sharkbait by Erin Mallon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have loved every book and play of Erin Mallon's that I have read or listened to, and Sharkbait is no different! That said, I never know what I am going to get with an Erin Mallon creation. In the case of Sharkbait I got a laugh out loud comedy with a lot of heart. Louise is an interesting character. She is trying to learn how to be an independent woman, and follow her dreams, while still discovering them. She is also recovering from her childhood trauma, of having to raise herself because her parents were not present. She has some funny quirks that cause awkwardly humorous moments and she goes through a lot of growth through this book. James is a bartender at the beginning of the book, a one night stand for independent Louise, but he is so much more. A fascinating entrepreneur in his early 30s who has lived more life than those in their 60s. He is a modern day single dad to the coolest kid, and an instantly lovable romance hero. This is a romance where the hero falls first and pursues the heroine, and I was rooting for him the whole time!

This book will give you warm fuzzies, while you laugh out loud. Narrated by Erin Mallon and Teddy Hamilton, these two perfectly capture not only Louise and James, but also the side characters who we have met in previous books! I loved the dual perspective and dual narration in this book, getting James' POV was such an important addition to the story.

I highly recommend reading or listening to Sharkbait, and if you haven't read the other 2 books in the Natural History series, what are you doing with your life? Go read them too! right away! 

I received an ALC of this book and voluntarily give my honest review.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Review: Hostile Takeover

Hostile Takeover Hostile Takeover by Cara Dee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hostile Takeover Indeed! Franklin and Jack stormed in, took hold of my emotions and it was a whirlwind! Having met Franklin before, with Tate and Kingsley, I was unsure about a full story about him. Damn you Cara Dee for doing it again. This book was unpredictable and hot in the best possible way. The relationships in The Game series are refreshing and not what you typically find in a romance. With Jack and Franklin, there is an age gap, with a younger dom, older daddy, but instead of being two Doms, Franklin is more submissive. They dynamic is not what you typically see when reading romance and the behavior of it all fascinates me. Jack is such a confident character through Franklin's eyes, while you hear all of Franklin's insecurity through his internal monologue. These two tackled a lot of physical and emotional ground in a short period of time and I loved every second of it. I can't wait for more of them! I was so angry when it ended, because I was not ready for the last page! 

I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily give my review. 

View all my reviews

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