Hostile Takeover Indeed! Franklin and Jack stormed in, took hold of my emotions and it was a whirlwind! Having met Franklin before, with Tate and Kingsley, I was unsure about a full story about him. Damn you Cara Dee for doing it again. This book was unpredictable and hot in the best possible way. The relationships in The Game series are refreshing and not what you typically find in a romance. With Jack and Franklin, there is an age gap, with a younger dom, older daddy, but instead of being two Doms, Franklin is more submissive. They dynamic is not what you typically see when reading romance and the behavior of it all fascinates me. Jack is such a confident character through Franklin's eyes, while you hear all of Franklin's insecurity through his internal monologue. These two tackled a lot of physical and emotional ground in a short period of time and I loved every second of it. I can't wait for more of them! I was so angry when it ended, because I was not ready for the last page!
I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily give my review.