Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Five Families Series by Jill Ramsower Audio Blast

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Luca was heartache waiting to happen.

On the surface, he appears well-dressed and professional, but behind those impassive black irises, I can sense something dark and ruthless. He’s unlike any man I’ve come across in my life. With my wealthy upbringing, I’ve been around any number of affluent, powerful men, but Luca is different. Enigmatic. Overwhelming. He wears an air of secrecy like the latest fashion trend.

I’m not one of those girls who seeks out the bad boy—I have enough issues to deal with in my life without adding his brand of trouble. Problem is, a chance elevator malfunction put me straight in his crosshairs, and now, he won’t let me walk away. The most disturbing part—no matter how dangerous he may be, there’s a mutinous side of me that doesn’t want to run. As if I ever had a choice…


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They say you don’t know what you’ve lost until it’s gone, but that wasn’t true. I knew exactly how devastating it would be to lose Sofia, and I did it anyway.

She doesn’t think I have the right to walk back into her life. Too bad. I’m not the same playground protector she grew up with. I’ve grown into a hardened, selfish man, and her tears won’t deter me. Now that I’ve had a taste of her, I can’t get enough. I want to burry myself inside her - cage her in my arms and never let her go.

Sofia slipped through my fingers once before, and I won’t let it happen again.


Nico was the solid ground that kept my life from falling into chaos...until that ground slipped out from beneath me.

He didn’t just break my heart, he destroyed it.

That was seven years ago. Seven long, life-altering years. Now, he’s come back trying to pick up where we left off, acting as if nothing has changed. He’s in for a surprise because I’m not that same little girl he left behind. He thinks he can bully his way back into my life, but he doesn’t have any clue what he’s up against.

Once Nico was gone, this little ladybug sprouted wings and grew teeth - she cast webs and made new friends while she hid in the shadows, nursing her heartache. Angelic Sofia became exactly what she was meant to be - a Genovese. In the Genovese family, our spines are tempered steel, and secrets run through our veins like blood.

The big bad wolf can huff and puff all he wants, but he’ll never get inside these walls.


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It was supposed to be business.
Two families, one wedding, zero emotion.

My father’s mafia outfit had saved my life.
I owed them everything.
An arranged marriage was hardly a sacrifice when I would have already been long dead had it not been for them.

I would give up my independence for the Lucciano Family.
I would bind myself to the man whose family tore my life to pieces.

Matteo De Luca was vicious claws sheathed in refinement and class.
He saw my untamed independence as a challenge.
I saw his alluring authority as a threat.

There was a ruthless storm that raged in his oceanic gaze. A majestic tidal wave of temper and domination looking to break on my rocky shores.
He would annihilate me.
Rip open my layers until all my pretty secrets were scattered at his feet.

The worst part? I wanted to experience whatever it was Matteo had to offer, and I hated myself for it.
I wanted to launch myself at him.
To kiss him. To kill him.
To end the debilitating torture of the unknown.

The moment our paths collided, our lives were altered irrevocably.
Taking us from enemies allied by a strategic marriage to something dark and consuming.
Something that tasted like obsession.



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Within a year of self-publishing her first book, Jill Ramsower quit her job as an attorney and dedicated her days to churning out romantic adventures. She likes to think of her books as contemporary romance with a touch of fantasy—at its core, her writing is about the connection between two people. Sometimes that connection involves a little magic…

With Jill’s books, you can count on confident heroines, plenty of steamy tension, and deliciously assertive leading men. There are no guarantees in life, but with her books, you know everything will work out in the end. However, a perfect ending would not be nearly as satisfying without a seemingly insurmountable challenge. Jill loves to add plenty of adversity in her stories, creating unforgettably dynamic characters and sneaky plot twists you will never see coming.

Jill is a Texan, born and raised. She manages the hectic social calendars for her three active children and occasionally spends an evening with her dashing husband. Aside from being an author and a mom, she's a travel junkie and loves to read when she is not lost in her own stories.


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Friday, September 25, 2020

Playing with Fire by L.J. Shen Blog Tour


"A flawless story of redemption and salvation, Playing With Fire will consume you entirely." - Amali Rose, USA Today Bestselling Author

Playing With Fire, an all-new heartbreaking and intensely beautiful small town standalone romance from USA Today bestselling author L.J. Shen is available now!


A broken boy on the path to destruction.

A scarred girl without direction.

A love story carved in secrets, inked with pain and sealed with a lie.

Grace Shaw and West St. Claire are arctic opposites.

She is the strange girl from the food truck.

He is the mysterious underground fighter who stormed into her sleepy Texan college town on his motorcycle one day, and has been wreaking havoc since.

She is invisible to the world.

He is the town’s beloved bad boy.

She is a reject.

He is trouble.

When West thrusts himself into Grace’s quiet life, she scrambles to figure out if he is her happily-ever-after or tragic ending.

But the harder she pushes him away, the more he pulls her out of her shell.

Grace doesn’t know much about anything beyond her town’s limits, but she does know this:

She is falling in love with the hottest guy in Sheridan U.

And when you play with fire—you ought to get burned.


Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!


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About L.J. Shen

L.J. Shen is a USA Today, Washington Post and Amazon #1 best-selling author of contemporary, New Adult and YA romance. Her books have been sold to twenty different countries. 

She lives in California with her husband, son, cat and eccentric fashion choices, and enjoys good wine, bad reality TV shows and catching sun rays with her lazy cat.

Connect with L.J. Shen





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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Review: Tyrant

Tyrant Tyrant by T.M. Frazier
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

View all my reviews

Lies and Lullabies by Sarina Bowen Release Day!

Summer nights and star-crossed lovers! From USA Today bestselling author Sarina Bowen.

Once upon a time, he gave me a summer of friendship, followed by one perfect night. We shared a lot during our short time together. But he skipped a few crucial details. 

I didn’t know he was a rock star.

I didn’t know his real name.

Neither of us knew I’d get pregnant.

And I sure never expected to see him again.

Five years later, his tour bus pulls up in Nest Lake, Maine. My little world is about to be shattered by loud music and the pounding of my own foolish heart.


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I watched Kira ride off, wondering what the hell had just happened. Sure, she probably guessed that I wrote that song about her. But she’d only heard the first few bars before sprinting away like I was the devil himself.

Spinning around, I located the lodge’s bike shed. I rolled a bike out and hopped on. The seat was too low for me, so I had to stand up on the pedals. 

But no matter. I rode off after Kira, my first time on a real bike in years. 

The road curved around to the left, and Kira’s house soon came into view. She was sitting on the front steps. She didn’t look all that surprised to see me biking toward her, but the look of pain on her face was so vivid that I could feel it in my gut. Something was wrong, and I still didn’t know what.

“Feel any better?”

She shook her head, and I thought I saw fear in her eyes.

“Kira,” I said softly. “I know you want me to leave you alone right now, but I can’t—our conversation isn’t over. In twenty-four hours I’ll be back on that bus. Honestly, you’re scaring me. When I last saw you, things seemed like they were on the upswing for you. When I said I think about you all the time, I didn’t mean to be a creeper. I meant that I was picturing a happy ever after for you.”

“Mama!” a little voice called from beyond the screen door.

At the sound of it, Kira’s whole body went rigid. And then tears spilled down her cheeks.

I heard little footsteps pounding onto the screened porch. And then a small set of hands became visible against the door just behind Kira. Quick as a flash, Kira leapt to her feet and spun around, darting through the door. It closed with a bang behind her.

“Whoa,” a man’s voice said. “Deep breaths, Kiki. What did he say?”

The hair stood up on my neck. I dropped the bicycle and covered the distance to the stoop in three paces. Leaping up, I opened the screen door. A little girl stood there, with fair, curly hair and blue-green eyes. I was no good with kids’ ages. She wasn’t an infant, but she wasn’t school-aged either. There was a babyish fullness to her face. She was three? Four? Five? I looked up at Kira.

“I’m so sorry,” she squeaked.

That’s when I finally understood. And I almost couldn’t draw breath to speak again. “I… She… What the fuck, Kira?” 

“That’s a very bad word,” the little girl said, accusation in her voice.

“Sorry,” I said automatically. I raised my eyes to Kira’s. “You… She…” 

I couldn’t think. There was pressure in my ears, and my pulse was ragged. Dizzy, I thought, absently, putting one hand on the door jamb for support.

“Breathe, man,” the guy behind Kira said. He wore a bright pink polo shirt and an expression of concern. “Sit down. Seriously, before you crash.”

I bent over and grabbed my knees. “Oh my God.” The only thing I could hear was my own ragged breathing and Kira’s choked sobs.

“Mama!” a little voice said, full of alarm. “Don’t cry!”

The scary moment stretched on, until I heard yet another bicycle approaching outside. A moment later, another male voice called out, “Knock-knock!”

The pink-polo-shirt guy answered him, his voice full of false cheer. “Hi, Luke!” Under his breath he added, “Wow. It’s raining men.” Then he scooped the little girl up in his arms, stepped around me, and walked out the screen door. It closed behind him with a bang.

I just stood there, staring at my shoes, trying to catch my breath. Kira’s shoes moved into my visual field, but I wasn’t ready to talk to her yet. Not until my head could clear. Which would probably be sometime next week. 

We stood here, awkward and quiet for a couple of long minutes. There was some low-key chatter outside, and then I heard the sound of the bicycle departing. 

The guy in the polo shirt came back inside, alone. 

“You’re her brother.” I coughed, trying to reconstruct the world into a rational place.

“Yup,” the guy said. “Uncle Adam.”

“Where is Vivi?” Kira asked, her voice raw.

“Luke is taking her for a little bike ride. There may be ice cream involved.”

“Really, Adam?” Kira moved quickly to peer through the screen. “But that’s awkward.”

“Oh, honey. We have first class tickets on the HMS Awkward today. And the ship has sailed. Luke even had a pink helmet for her, Kiki. Just go with it, okay? I told him you were having a moment.”

I straightened up. “She’s having a moment,” I spat out. “Is that what this is?” My pulse was still pounding in my ears, but now from anger instead of shock.

Kira was as pale as a sheet. “I was going to tell you today.” She pulled a photo out of her pocket. “Here. I was trying to find a way.”

I snatched the picture from her hand. “She’s, what, four?” The photo shook as I tried to look at it. The little girl smiled up at the camera, a stuffed animal in her hands. It was purple. Somehow this detail made it all the more real. The little girl in the photo was clutching the purple cat I’d won at the fair all those years ago.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Review: The Devil's Crown: Part 2

The Devil's Crown: Part 2 The Devil's Crown: Part 2 by Monica James
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

"She is broken. We both are. And together...we're on a collision course bound to destroy the other the moment we collide" 

Part two of Alek's story is finally here and it is as epic as the character himself. Rising from the ashes, literally coming back from the dead to rebuild an empire is not as easy as one might think. Oh who am I kidding that sounds incredibly difficult. Alek can barely trust anyone, he needs to be as diabolical as possible and the first 40% of the book is a chess game of political moves as he tries to position himself in a way to return to his throne as the King of Russia. 

I wish I could give 1/2 stars. This is a solid 3.5 star review for me. Dark and delicious moderately deviant, but with a few bumps. 

Before reading either book in this duet you should know there is a trigger warning and it is serious. Now I dont have triggers when it comes to romance, so they did not bother me, or affect my opinion of this book. But the book does involve sexual violence, normal violence and human trafficking of young children. The book would not be what it is without the themes and it is all very much in line with the All The Pretty Things trilogy and The Devil's Crown Part 1. I found the first half of this book a bit slow, but by 50% the action picked up and the pages were flying. Alek and Ella were both making strategic moves, but they failed at communicating and it's a pet peeve for me. Had they had a simple conversation things would have gone much smoother for both of them. 

I loved Alek's character arc during this series, and seeing him really coming into the Anti Hero he wants to be. A big part of that was his relationship with Irina. He is the protective father we all knew he would be and it is HOT! (hint hint Monica James, if Irina got a book we could see Hot Daddy Alek go all protective). 

Ella was difficult to like in the beginning of this book, but again by half way through I had more sympathy for her as she came into her own power. Saint and Willow were also prominent in this book which felt like the series was coming full circle. 

If you are a fan of Dark Anti Hero books and can tolerate triggers I think you would really enjoy this duet. I received an arc of this book and voluntarily give my review.

View all my reviews

Friday, September 18, 2020


Ivory White
Cambria Hebert
(A House of Misfits Standalone)
Publication date: September 18th 2020
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Once upon a time…

There is a girl with skin as fair as ivory and hair as black as night.

She was the apple of her father’s eye, but now that he has died,

someone wants to dip that apple into poison.

Advised to flee, Ivory escapes her elite world in New York City

and stumbles into a place she didn’t know existed.

A modern-day princess, afraid and lost on the dark streets, running for her life.

Ivory White has no one to call, nowhere to turn.

All she has is a random number scrawled on a torn napkin.

She calls. He answers.

Ivory is thrust into a house filled with misfits—

a band of completely untrustworthy men.

But can this group of men keep her safe?

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She looked like someone who’d just stepped out of a storybook. Nothing about her belonged here in my world.

Even though her clothes were casual, they were far too upscale for this place. The fabric was delicate and soft just like her limbs and the way she walked. Her round blue eyes scoured every inch of the place as though she had never been anywhere like this before.

And the hood. The royal-blue hood pulled up over her head was like a cloak, shrouding her in mystery and concealing so much more than just her features.

When I finally got a glimpse of her creamy white skin, I had to force myself not to react. She didn’t look like anyone from my world either. Not her heart-shaped face, perfectly formed chin, or red-rose lips formed in a bow. A few strands of hair so dark lay against her cheek, and I could only think of black velvet.

That mouth, though. The standoffish, almost haughty way she looked at me, it didn’t really match. Like the storybook she stepped out of had a beautiful cover and artwork, but the interior words were aggressive and messy.

She’s scared.

It became more and more apparent the longer I sat beside her. She felt backed into a corner, into this bar, which was clearly out of her comfort zone. I understood that. I could even make allowances for her aloof, unfriendly behavior.

I was interested. Definitely intrigued.

Author Bio:

Cambria Hebert is an award winning, bestselling novelist of more than twenty books. She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair.

Besides writing, Cambria loves a caramel latte, staying up late, sleeping in, and watching movies. She considers math human torture and has an irrational fear of chickens (yes, chickens). You can often find her running on the treadmill (she’d rather be eating a donut), painting her toenails (because she bites her fingernails), or walking her chorkie (the real boss of the house).

Cambria has written within the young adult and new adult genres, penning many paranormal and contemporary titles. Her favorite genre to read and write is romantic suspense. A few of her most recognized titles are: The Hashtag Series, Text, Torch, and Tattoo.

Cambria Hebert owns and operates Cambria Hebert Books, LLC.

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