Monday, October 24, 2022

Review: Showmancing the Bone: A Warmington Players Novella

Showmancing the Bone: A Warmington Players Novella Showmancing the Bone: A Warmington Players Novella by Erin Mallon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Erin Mallon never disappoints! Novella's are tricky, trying to tell a whole story in such a short period of time, especially a romance, can go very right or miss the mark. Erin delivered a romance with depth, humor, wacky characters and a completely captivating and entertaining story. As a former theater kid, I instantly connected with Wendy and her love of the theater. While she has loved the theater she has only ever worked in the FOH and with this new opportunity to be a stage manager (for a play that probably shouldn't be produced) she comes back into contact with a hottie from her past. This story had so many humorous and punny moments, amazing restaurants, that made me hungry for soup and cereal. This is a clean romance, but it has all the wonderful romance feelings that I crave and need in romance, that I did not miss the spice. This story is top notch, and when you add in narration by the author Erin Mallon, it elevates everything to the next level. This story brings me so much joy, I know it will be one I listen to again and again. I hope we get more stories about these characters in the future!

I received an ALC of this book and voluntarily give my review.

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