Stay with Me by
Nicole Fiorina
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily give my review.
This story was dark, raw, and intense and sucked me in. This story was full on angst and at times difficult to read. I stayed up late reading because I needed to know what was happening and my heart and mind were completely invested. The emotions and interactions were so passionate and intense that there were a couple of times where I needed to put the book down and walk away. Some of the side characters were a little grating to me, the catty cliquey behavior is never my favorite, but the affection between Ollie and Mia kept me hooked on this story as they navigated their relationship and their own personal demons.
This was an amazing debut novel by Nicole Fiorina I will definitely follow this author and look forward to reading her future work.
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